Hon'ble Chairman



A grass root level emissary, Mr. Justice U.C. Dhyani served in various judicial positions in the State of U.P. After creation of State of Uttarakhand, he served as Judicial, Legislative and Parliamentary Affairs Secretary, Government of Uttarakhand and Legal Advisor to His Excellency, the Governor of Uttarakhand. He also worked as District Judge, Udham Singh Nagar; District Judge, Nainital; and District Judge, Dehradun.  Served as Registrar General before being elevated as Judge of Hon’ble High Court of Uttarakhand on 13.09.2011.

Appointed as Chairman, Uttarakhand Public Services Tribunal, Dehradun after demitting the office of Judge, High Court and continues to hold such post as on date. He was holding dual charge of Chairperson, Real Estate Appellate Tribunal till the beginning of 2023. Currently, he is also Chairman of the Authority constituted under “The Unlawful Activities (Prevention), Act.”

He has been Chairman, NGT Monitoring Committee on Ganga Rejuvenation. He is the Founder-Director of State Judicial Academy (UJALA). He has also contributed articles to various law journals. He is regular resource person of National Judicial Academy (NJA)/State Administrative and Legal Academies. He is interacting with the Judges of various foreign countries, viz., Bangladesh, Myanmar, Maldives, Peru, Cambodia etc. in NJA on various national and international issues regularly. He is Member of Board of Governors, Governing Council, Executive Council, Academic Council etc. of various Universities.

He is committed to uphold the Rule of Law and strengthen Justice system for ‘WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA’.

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